#TBT Giving back in Argentina with TOMs shoes. This was one if the greatest times in my life. Loved every minute.
#TBT Last party at Anastasia’s house. She decided that she was giving up brows for bartending. #never #goodone #bestdrinkever
#TBT Nothing like spending NYE with Rick James! What a night. My bestie Andy and his brother Eric. Even got a kiss in the dark hallway for the count down. Not from Rick people…plzzzzz.
#tbt Hanging out on Bedford in BH outside of Anastasia. Miss this street, but loving and living my new dream job! #beautiquewl #regency #newfriends
#TBT Before my pink hair. Don’t know if I can ever go back. See you at 9:30 lady! @denise_mercedes @denise_doeshair
#TBT Circa 2008 Celebrating @michellepeckskin birthday! It was a great party. This woman has a beautiful and amazing soul. #kindredspirits #missher #nycyouarelucky #mewithoutmyrealhair #I’mstilllookingflyintreatment
#TBT Christmas 2007 Anastasia Beverly Hills Salon! It was a great night with Anastasia and Claudia! #missthem #myicon #the BOSS